Below are the details of the company, if you need additional documents: certificate of state registration, taxpayer identification number, you can contact the accounting department of the enterprise.
Full name: | Limited Liability Company "Corporate Company" |
Abbreviated name: | LLC "Corporate company" |
INN / KPP: | 7999001099/999707007 |
9911001123456 |
Legal address: | Moscow, st. Pushkin, 195, office 1034 |
Actual address: | Moscow, st. Pushkin, 195, office 1034 |
Phone, fax: | +7 (999) 777-00-01 |
Email: | |
Website: | |
Bank details: |
BIK 041234567 Account No. 99879420880090091122 at OJSC "Savings Bank", Correspondent account 90505350500000000123 |
We develop strong relationships with companies focused on long-term close cooperation, including:
- Prompt technical support;
- Supporting at all stages of project implementation;
- Special solution development for each project, taking into view the technical features of the object and environment;
- Installation and commissioning;
- Technical service including warranty service